Bluefin Tuna
(Thunnus thynnus)
Bluefin Tuna is a species of tuna found in every Ocean on the planet as well as the Mediterranean Sea. Bluefin are the largest tunas reaching weights of up to 2000 lbs (900 kg) and 15 ft (4.6 m) in length. Bluefin Tuna appearance is dark blue with a body similar to a torpedo with short pectoral fins and a dark red dorsal fin.
Their torpedo shaped body allows the Bluefin Tuna to swim up to 43 mph (69 kmph) and cross the ocean in fewer than 60 days. Similar to some shark species, Bluefin Tuna must stay in motion constantly in order to obtain oxygen from the water. For this reason the Bluefin Tuna swims with their mouths open to keep their blood oxygenated.
The Atlantic Bluefin is a highly sought-after delicacy for sushi in Asia going for up to $3.1 million for a single fish. Encouraged by such high prices, fishermen are using more advanced techniques to catch the Bluefin Tuna. As the techniques of catching the Bluefin Tuna have advanced over the years, the conservation and management of tuna has not evolved as quickly. For these reasons and others the IUCN has listed the Bluefin Tuna as endangered.
To learn more about the Bluefin Tuna and conservation efforts click the link below: