Humphead Wrasse
( Cheilinus undulatus)
The Humphead Wrasse large species of fish is found in the Indo-Pacific region. The Humphead Wrasse grows up to 7 ft (2 m) in length and weighs up to 400 lbs (180 kg). The Humphead Wrasse has a very unique appearance of blue-green skin with thick lips, two black mascara-like lines behind its eyes, and a large hump on the foreheads of larger adults.
This large hump has led the Humphead Wrasses to be given other common names such as the Napoleon Fish. The name of Napoleon Fish comes from Napoleon Bonaparte, the French emperor who used to wear a very unique hat. Many have found the hump on the forehead of the Humphead Wrasses has a great resemblance to that hat.
In the past, only royalty consumed the Humphead Wrasse. Today poaching of the fish has increased to fill the high demand of the luxury food industry in East Asia. In addition, habitat loss and degradation of coral reefs have also put stress on the Humphead Wrasse population.
Scientists have found the population has decreased by at least 50% just in the last 30 years. Due to these and additional factors the IUCN designated the Humphead as Endangered.
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